Do you want to build your brand through podcast interviews in order to make more money and land higher paying clients?

Let Us Fill You In...

Over the next few minutes we are going to breakdown what you get inside GUESTING GOLDMINE: UNLOCKING PR SUCCESS ON PODCASTS and how it will benefit you.  This program shows you proven top podcast booking strategies from having booked clients on 5,500+ top shows, PR programs that yielded clients $2.5 Million in visibility, the secrets on how to become seen as THE EXPERT in your space and a real game plan to follow to reach your dream market.


We've got a SURPRISE for you at the bottom of this page!  We know you're serious, because you made it this far!  We're giving you a special offer price to make this an easy decision. This special offer won't be up long because we've already slashed it big time just wanting to make sure that you guys have no excuses!


A Sneak Peak

 Learn How You Can be Getting Booked on TOP Rated Podcasts and Growing your Brand.

(Below are the 8 Modules You'll Get During This Private Training Course)

Module #1:
Planning Your Legacy

Module #2:
Looking Like A Rockstar

Module #3: 
Secrets to Interview Success

Module #4:
Finding the PERFECT Shows

Module #5:
The Flawless Pitch

Module #6:
Nailing Your Interview

Module #7: 
Promotional Fuel

Module #8:
Opportunity Gameplan

WARNING:  This is NOT your average HYPED OUT program.  We give you the EXACT mindset you need to have, then help you build your expert podcast program step by step. This will help you to be the expert in your space and to create influence. We believe in taking action, so we set the example by not wasting ANY of your time.  You will hear no false promises from us.  You know exactly what I'm talking about.  That super annoying pitch you've heard 1000x, all FLUFF with no real action steps.  If you are tired of that and want real world practices and strategies you can apply TODAY to get real results, keep reading, this is 100% for you.

How do we know?  Because we are just like you...

Trust me, we've been through programs where we are waiting for the "How To."  Then, it never comes. You get to the end of the course, and you want those 2-3 hours of your life back. This is the exact steps that I have found not only in building my own brand, but in booking clients on over 6,500+ shows!

This course is the exact process that you or your team needs to apply, not only to get booked on top podcasts, but how to create opportunities like speaking engagements, television appearances, top-tier press features and how to promote episodes to throw more fuel on the fire!

From:  Jeremy & Brielle

Dear Smart & Savvy Entrepreneur,

We can show you how to present yourself like the professional you are, target the correct shows, write the perfect pitch, make sure its gets seen by the podcast producer, get interviewed on top podcasts and create CRAZY levels of promotion to grow your brand to the next level.

…and we'll prove it to you.

Are you having any of these problems?

You're spending WAY too much on ads because no one knows who you are...
Your competitors are making MORE money than you because they're see as the experts.
You're the most knowledgable in your field, but you're not getting the opportunities you should be OR getting paid like you should.


Over 90% of entrepreneurs lack the visibility and credibility they need to sell more of their products or services.

If you own a business you need to be building influence to sell MORE of your products and services. I'll show you the secrets that took my brand from ZERO to TOP INFLUENCER in less than 12 months by getting on and booking clients on 5,500+ top podcasts.

I know that sounds like a bold claim to make, so let me prove it to you with actual results  (down below)... as well as our stories.

This is your very own private podcast booking  and interview training with us.  Whether you're a solopreneur or have a whole marketing team backing you up, this program is for you.  If you want to increase your influence and are willing to put in the work to book yourself on 10, 20, 30 or MORE podcasts this program is exactly for you.

You may have bought a program or two online before, and it was missing ALL the important stuff to actually DO IT...

...NOW WHAT DO YOU DO?!  You want to do more than hear about interviews, more than just book interviews; you want actual interviews and fuel to build your brand to influencer levels.   You must learn how to look like, be and promote like a podcast superstar.


This system works for any business leader, entrepreneur, speaker, author, coach or any person on a mission... you name it! 

We have THE proven formula to look like a pro, find the perfect shows that your target market listens to, craft the right pitch to land the interview, show up like a rockstar on the show and promote your podcast appearances like a legend...

Check Out Our Client's Success...

Forbes Feature
Molly came to us looking to promote her company blog. We were able to get her on the perfect shows, one of which got her a Forbes feature article.
Dustin gave us the most difficult task: book him on 45 shows in 60 days. Not only did we do it, it helped to launch his book, No BS Presentations to best-seller.
Niche: Real Estate GURU 
10,000% ROI on Podcasts
Grant's main clientele are realtors, he needed a hyper-niched approach. He can trace $100,000+ in revenue directly to the shows that we placed him on.

Here's What They're Saying on Social Media...

What the Media is Saying About Jeremy...

"Top podcaster, Jeremy Ryan Slate, who runs a podcast called Create Your Own Life. Slate has featured some incredible guests such as Grant Cardone, Patrick Bet-David and Pat Flynn."
"Jeremy Slate, the host of the Create Your Own Life Podcast and founder of Command Your Brand Media, an agency that helps entrepreneurs get press coverage and exposure with pitching strategies that work."

Why Did We Decide To Do This?

After years of building a brand and top-rated podcast, we figured out that the massive success we reached was from one thing:  the POWER of getting interviewed on top podcasts.

Then we started getting our clients on top podcasts and they began to have MASSIVE success...


Something crazy happened!

We had so many people that wanted our help, but we didn't have the time to help them all. So, we put together EVERYTHING that we knew from telling your story, to looking like a pro, to the exact process to get booked on top-rated podcasts and how to promote it to get MORE opportunities off of the interviews.

We have a BIG mission to help and GUESTING GOLDMINE: UNLOCKING PR SUCCESS ON PODCASTS is our push to help every entrepreneur tell their story, build celebrity and make more money! 

Here's what we required of our program…

Today we're on a mission – we're on your side, going to bat for you, the motivated entrepreneur that may be bootstrapping, but has a hunger to grow on a global scale.

These techniques and exact strategies are things you can apply today.  This is everything that you need to get yourself or your team moving NOW. You can buy the course right now and use these tactics to get interviewed on top rated podcasts TODAY.

  • We had to help entrepreneurs reach an already existing audience just waiting to hear from them as the expert.
  • There is going to be ABSOLUTELY NO HYPE! (No talk of how you're going to make a million dollars tomorrow or any of the other crap we hear every day... (so annoying...)
  • It had to waste no time getting right into the content, no stories, no motivation, STRAIGHT UP STRATEGIES.
  • It had to be easy to follow for any entrepreneur in any industry.
  • It had to teach people more than just booking interviews, it had to go from start to finish of what we do with every client and how to create MASSIVE promotional fuel.
  • It had to be SUPER affordable and easy to access over and over again.

If you're an entrepreneur, this process will help you get interviewed on TOP podcasts – period.

NOTE: This is NOT a system where you can do nothing and expect awesome results.

We've figured it all out, you have to be willing to apply the EXACT steps that we give you and show up in the EXACT way that we tell you to.

Then, you will have the ability to not only get interviewed, but create the BEST experience on the show and then throw the RIGHT promotional fuel on the fire to grow your influence to levels you have only dreamed of!

Here's what you're going to learn from the GUESTING GOLDMINE: UNLOCKING PR SUCCESS ON PODCASTSs...


In this module you'll learn the most important elements of branding and the vision that you need to have in order to blow up your brand on top-rated podcasts. You have to have the correct viewpoint going into a branding program in order to create the leads and opportunities that you desire.


You can actually be losing opportunities when media or podcast producers go to look for you if you don't look a certain way. Not only are you losing them, you may be preventing them from finding you, even if you are the BEST in your space. In this module, we get you set up to look the correct way and give you all of the tools that you will need to look like a media and podcast darling!


Have you ever heard that part of the big secret to success is how you show up? It's true, BUT, there's more to it than that. In this module, we help you construct the exact story, message and call-to-action that you need in order to make each podcast appearance a slam dunk!


A big part of appearing on podcasts is actually appearing on the RIGHT targeted podcasts. If you are not speaking to the correct audience, then it's most likely not worth your time, the host's or the audience's. In this module, we show you how to find shows that are in alignment with your message so that everyone's time is well spent; growing your influence in the EXACT areas it needs to be to create massive success.


Want to know exactly how to reach out to podcasts? Know if your pitch is actually being opened and read? Figure out how to turn a yes into a no? This module covers the exact strategies to writing a pitch, getting it read and how to get past "No," so that you can grow your brand and grow your influence.


Been interviewed before? Have a grasp of how podcasts work? No worries! It doesn't matter if you have never done a single interview before or if you have done 100 interviews! We will handle any hesitation you may have to rocking out on podcasts in this module, and also prep you for all the questions that you need to ask, not only making the host perceive you as a professional, but for making interviews more beneficial for you!


If you're only thinking about appearing on podcasts and being done, you're completely missing the boat. The second, third, fourth, plus waves that most people miss is shameless self-promotion and positioning that they SHOULD be doing. In this module, we go over EVERYTHING you need to know to rock and roll with this beautiful piece of content you created and how to build it BIG!


You're appearing as an awesome guest, you're promoting the right way, BUT you're still missing the boat. Relationship building is HUGE. Podcasters come with a huge sphere of influence. This module covers the EXACT things that you need to do to use podcast appearances as a relationship-building monster.


The GUESTING GOLDMINE: UNLOCKING PR SUCCESS ON PODCASTS is a bona-fide proven system for entrepreneurs of all levels. This system is developed to take you from start to podcast media mogul, creating more opportunities and influence everyday!
Here's how it works...

Let's assume if anything, you're booking one podcast a month. I can tell you right now, that's not going to build your influence.

Now let's apply the GUESTING GOLDMINE: UNLOCKING PR SUCCESS ON PODCASTS, and let's assume you're booking 5-10 podcasts a month, and pouring on the promotional fuel to tell even more people about you...

What could that do for your brand?

What would that extra attention do for your business? The extra closed sales... the media opportunities... the platform that you can put behind anything you create. Would that change the relationship you have with your Spouse? Kids? Friends? I know it  Because it did for us.  We built a brand that created our business and changed everything we were doing; don't you want to put more fuel on the fire to keep it burning hot?
So, what's it look like?

Step 1 - You'll purchase the program before the discount goes away & because it's good!
Step 2 - Create your username and password for the members area.
Step 3 - Log in and start by clicking on Module 1.
Step 4 - Download the worksheet below the video.
Step 5 - Click play & take notes!

You can log in over and over again so you can take more notes and come back to the videos. It couldn't be easier. 


You're going to walk away with these skills...

  •  Knowing what to have in place to look like a professional to land interviews.
  •  A solid base to create media celebrity in your sphere and beyond.
  •  The EXACT way to communicate on each podcast you appear on to generate real fuel.
  •  How to determine what shows you should be working with to reach your dream audience.
  •  How to reach out and book podcast interviews.
  •  Why spending time creating tons of content to build your audience is not the best way to spend your time and how to get yourself in front of established audiences that want to learn from you! 
  •  How you can use influence to create unforeseen opportunities.
  •  How to outsell your competitors by becoming the go-to expert in your space.

Okay, I'm Sold... how much does it cost?


However, for this launch special I'm taking $2,000 off the price and giving you the GUESTING GOLDMINE: UNLOCKING PR SUCCESS ON PODCASTS and all of the bonuses for only $497.

This is a REALLY good deal because if you hired of us for a day to  do this for you and your staff,  you'd easily pay us $10,000 - $20,000 for only 12-24 shows and now you can have UNLIMITED shows.

Best of all you get Instant Access to GUESTING GOLDMINE: UNLOCKING PR SUCCESS ON PODCASTS through our secure membership area.

But, like I said... this is something that I passionately feel that EVERY SINGLE entrepreneur should know and so I'm giving it way for a measly $497. That's less than you've paid for other courses you've probably never finished.


You should know that this low price of $497 is only an introductory offer for just you early bird members.

So don't let this great deal pass you by.  We're not sure how long we are going to keep the price at $497.  It's taken us 10+ years to build the skills we share with you in this training.  Don't be one of those people that wait till tomorrow to do what you can do today.

  Let's get you to be a celebrity in your space TODAY!

Look, right now you are just one click away from getting your hands on the most tried and true program that can get any entrepreneur booked on the CORRECT podcast!

Best of all, this system has a proven track record of over ten years and plenty of raving fans to prove it.  It's been no secret that the fundamentals of publicity have been the same for decades, but some keep trying to reinvent the wheel.  

Bruce Lee said, "Fear the man who practiced one kick 1,000 times not the man who practiced 1,000 kicks one time."  The same goes in getting podcast interviews, be the professional that masters the MAJOR KEY result producing activities in booking and promotion and watch your influence grow!


Stop wasting your time and effort trying to "wing it". Order The GUESTING GOLDMINE: UNLOCKING PR SUCCESS ON PODCASTS now before you lose another sale to your competitor.

Click here to order now >>
Dedicated to your massive success,
Jeremy & Brielle Slate
(212) 220-3953

PS.... Remember this is a proven system, you WILL see a results by getting booked on more podcasts to help grow your brand.  You owe it to yourself to try it out, join us and grow your success to new levels right now!  Click here to order now >>

© 2024 Your Command Your Brand Media

The Ultimate Guide to: Getting Interviews on Top Rated Podcasts is a password protected digital information product. No physical product will be shipped.

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